Platba za podujatie
- Prihláste sa do platformy Raceduck.
- Po prihlásení budete presmerovaný na dashboard, kde uvidíte všetky svoje podujatia. V sekcii 'Podujatia, ktorých sa zúčastňujete' nájdite podujatie, za ktoré chcete zaplatiť.
- Kliknite na tlačidlo Zaplatiť so zobrazenou sumou.
- On the right side, you will see the payment panel - choose the option that suits you best. Accept the payment regulations. Then click Go to payment.
- Follow the instructions on the screen provided by the payment operator.
- After successful payment, you will be redirected to the Raceduck platform dashboard where a new payment status will appear: Payment completed. You'll also receive email confirmation.
- In case of unsuccessful payment, you can repeat it: See how.
Still having problems with payment? Contact us - use the chat icon in the corner of the page or send an email to: